The 3 Doshas of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient healing method dating back nearly 5,000 years. According to Ayurveda, physical matter is divided into 5 elements; aakash (space), vayu (air), teja (fire), jala (water), and prithvi (earth). Ayurveda uses the 5 elements to understand and heal our unique bodily compositions. Our Prakriti (nature) manifests into different forces that make up our personal constitution. These energies are called the Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Our entire biological existence, our health and our disease, is determined by our unique combination of these three powers.
Vata translates literally to '“wind”. This energy is made up of aakash (space) and vayu (air). It is stored in the body in spaces like the joints, bone cavities, and hollow joints. It is primarily stored in the colon and is responsible for the energy produced by digestion. When in balance it is energetic, creative, free flowing, adaptable, and harmonious. When out of balance it can cause anxiety, overthinking, digestive issues, and low energy. Vata is the primary dosha and is responsible for motivating the Pitta and Kapha into action.
Pitta is the power of digestion. Pitta is teja (fire) and jala (water). Pitta lives in the body as acidic or oily substances and is responsible for transformation and digestion. Pitta is held in spaces like the small intestine, stomach and sweat glands. When in balance Pitta dominant people are motivated, transformative, courageous, and have healthy digestion and glowing skin. When out of balance these folks may be overly competitive or “cut throat”, struggle with anger, and experience inflammation or infection. Pitta relies heavily on both Vata for motivation and Kapha for fuel.
Kapha is mucus and is responsible for formation and sticking things together. Kapha is formed from jala (water) and prithvi (earth). The main Kapha tissue in the body is plasma. This energy lives primarily in the stomach but also in the lymphatic system. When balanced Kapha provides hydration and nourishment to the physical body. energetically Kapha dominant folks are emotional, loving, and empathetic. When out of balance Kapha dominant people are prone to laziness, emotional eating, depression, and respiratory problems. Kapha is a vessel for Vata and Pitta energies.
Each person is made up of a unique combination of these three doshas. Each dosha having a specific place and use in our mental, spiritual, and physical bodily constitutions. When in balance the doshas create health and harmony in the body, however when out of balance the doshas can manifest at disease. Ayurvedic and Yogic techniques, like asana, pranayama, and meditation, are the best methods to keep the doshas balanced and healthy so that we may be balanced and healthy, in body and in mind.